Are you ready
for the future?
Our mission
We create the future. Under the roofing brand – sinea – we develop and produce plant-based alternatives to animal source foods. Apart from that, we have been looking for ways to stop the devastation of world’s oceans by industrial fishing. By building a pool of responsible producers, we have the opportunity to innovate multiple spheres directly affecting our coexistence with nature.
Our prosperous activities and facilities make it possible for us to grow, search for new technology, and discover new methods and products. We invest in innovative and sustainable projects, such as aquaponic farms, or new technologies for diagnostics and medicine. We help allergy sufferers; we invest in start-ups engaging in organic chemistry, silver nanoparticles or genetics.
We want to stop the plundering of nature, be it the earth or the world’s oceans. Using our innovative medical technology, analytical lab activities related to pharmaceutics, environment, industry, feed, fertilizer and food industries, we strive to improve the quality of our lives.
For life to grow in the future
In the beginning, there was the idea of creating a network of cooperating companies that enrich each other. We build on a solid foundation of food companies with a long tradition providing a strong background for new brands drawing their opportunities from the future. The brands that ponder on how to produce environmentally friendly foods, responsive to the needs of modern men.
We invest in new manufacturing technology and look for new ways of processing raw materials while creating new delicious products. Vendeavor also roofs health and medical technology companies. We share our knowledge, resources and, above all, the objective – a responsible future.